Global Detection Action
This action will parse every text sent to the current interaction by the user. This action will not hold the conversation and wait for an answer but will be triggered anywhere during an interaction flow.
The action uses the following settings:
This action is not blocking. The conversation is not halted and the user can continue freely. If you want to stop the user until the question requirements have been met you should use input actions.
Text detection can happen in two different ways: using simple text or using a Regular Expression.
Simple text The text you enter in Control Expression is directly matched with the user input. For example entering this is awesome will match any sentence containing that exact text. You can use a pipe (|) symbol to match multiple sentences. So to match this is awesome and this is great, you can enter this is awesome|this is great in Control Expression.
Regular Expression Xenioo supports standard Regular Expression notation. The input text will be matched against the regular expression specified in Control Expression.
Regardless or the selected method, text detection is always case insensitive.
If multiple intents are selected, only the best one will be checked against the given confidence.
On User Input Detected. This action will trigger any child operation as soon as the user input is matching the specified Control Expression or the selected intent.
This action produces the following variables after being triggered:
Every entity specified in the detected expression will be translated to a runtime variable named after the entity name.
Channel specific availability follows the table below:
This action can be used only at Bot Global level or Behavior level. Any account can use this action regardless of subscription level.
Last updated