Xenioo offers continuous support through our customer care service. If you have any questions or facing any issues you're welcome to contact us at
Our systems are automatically queuing every request by account type.
Please note that, while we try to reply to every request in the fastest possible way, free account requests that are not related to critical software or platform issues are automatically queued after paid accounts.
Depending on the current queue size and active paid account requests, a free account inquiry can take up to 5 working days.
Premium account issues are taken into consideration within the next working day and contact with you will be carried on immediately.
Premium support is available in any paid account. Paid accounts support is carried on during the standard working week and standard daily shift.
If your chatbot requires additional, continuous support or oversee please contact us to arrange a specific quote for your required service levels.
Private Chatbot Support and Counseling
The Xenioo team is also offering direct counseling and direct design support through dedicated, personalized Slack channels or Skype.
If you may need this type of service please feel free to reach us at the email address above for a quote tailored for your needs.
If you need a full chatbot project from the ground up don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Be sure to provide a rough flow diagram of your desired chatbot and our development team can follow up with a full project estimate. We will follow your project from the creation to the deployment and maintenance.
Last updated
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