The contacts list will contain all of the users that have talked with your chatbot. Users are added in this list in near real-time, as soon as the first interaction is fired.
Each user badge will display a number of informations:
User Name. This is the name of your user, if available. Depending on the channel you may see the service user name or the full name of the user. Xenioo will display here the contents of the first_name and last_name variables, if available. You can update this value from your chatbot or using the runtime editor.
Online State. A small green dot near the avatar image indicates that the user is currently online. Depending on the channel it may indicate actual current connection or an interaction happened in the last minutes.
Last Seen. This is the amount of time since the last time your chatbot has had any interaction with this user.
Subscribed: This is the amount of time since the very fist time your chatbot had a contact with this user.
Avatar. This image is the user avatar, if available. Some channels will supply this value by default. Xenioo will display here any valid image you set in the profile_pic variable.
Flag. This flag is based on the locale variable. If exposed by your channel, Xenioo will automatically fill it with the correct user related locale.
Channel Icon. This icon let you know what is the user current communication channel.
Operator State. This icon may appear depending on the operator state of the conversation.
Contacts Menu
Export Users
Using this command will schedule an export of all the active conversation users into a comma separated CSV file. The file will contain a line for each user and all of the variables associated as columns. This feature is available only to premium accounts.
Import Users
The Import Users command will import users from a standard CSV file.
Users created with this import will automatically appear on the left side of the conversation section as empty conversations.
Every column of the input file will be automatically transformed into a conversation variable. There are no mandatory columns except channel: without the channel column, that assigns the conversation to a specific channel, the user will not be created.
If you wish to overwrite an existing user conversation data, include an Id column as the very first in your input file. Xenioo will automatically attempt to load the conversation with the specified id. If the conversation is not found, a new conversation will be created. Only user variables will be overwritten in your import. Existing users affected by the import will not see their conversation history deleted or altered.
When importing WhatsApp contacts make sure to have a column named user_phone_number specifying your contact's full phone number.
It's important to have the phone number starting with the country prefix, like +39 for Italy.
If this column is not available broadcasts will not be able to target this user later.
If you need to import Facebook users from another chatbot make sure to disengage to follow this small guide.
This feature is available only to premium accounts.
Hide Empty Conversations
Web Chat Contacts behave slightly differently from other types of contacts as they tend to be more volatile: since by default there's no opt-in mechanism, users may come to your website, have a look at the chat area but never really interact with your chatbot.
Xenioo will automatically remove any user who did not have any conversation (that have never interacted) with your chatbot so that your conversations are kept alive only with engaged users. Using this command you can choose to hide or show these conversations while they are active. As the conversation is marked as idle by Xenioo it will be automatically deleted.
Enable/Disable Chat Notifications
By default Xenioo will generate a desktop notification whenever a user sends a message in a taken over conversation. This is particularly useful when you need to oversee users support but cannot constantly keep the Xenioo conversation section opened. Use this menu to enable or disable these notifications.
Unless forcefully deleted, your contacts are kept forever.
Conversations instead are driven by your account retention value and are routinely deleted starting from the oldest and moving forward to the newest. The default retention value is 30 days but you can increase this value upgrading your account or adding specific retention packages.
Last updated