Platform Changelog

This is the up-to-date Xenioo changelog history detailing all updates and fixes that are deployed on the platform. Deployed fixes and updates are currently live while Scheduled ones will be released during next scheduled maintenance.

All fixes marked as Standard are deployments done by standard update cycles maintenance. Hotfixes are, instead, fixes applied to mitigate or remove unforeseen blocking issues.

1 October 2022


  • Added support for RCS files attachments incoming from users

  • Highly structure messages are now displayed with all parameters and names in the conversation section and in the shared conversation ui.

  • Instagram channel will now supply full mention url source to bot runtime variables.


  • Fixed an issue that could prevent uploading a custom css file that contains links to other resources.

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the SMS channel to completely skip messages longer than 160 characters.

  • Child chatbots that are restored into another account from a Master bot will not be updated anymore from the Master.

  • CGI SMS publishing will not delete previous keywords already registered.

31 August 2022


  • Distribution Lists can now be uniquely named.

  • Tracking information for RCS, SMS and WhatsApp distribution lists have been added for LINK Mobility providers.

  • The timezone_shift variable can now be used in Web conversations to specify the time zone of the bot and the operator.

  • Message Templates can now be built using direct head, body and footer template parameter actions instead of specifying raw json structure.


  • LINK SMS gateway is now updated with Xenioo endpoints and existing gates are left untouched.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent a broadcast to be correctly distributed to specific audiences.

  • Conversation redirection can now be correctly executed when child of an Interactive Message Button

  • Database Export should now correctly include all fields in the destination excel file.

15 July 2022


  • Take Over action happening inside the conversation section is now notified to online operators;

  • Referenced Clones will now inherit also brand new behaviors added on the master bot.

  • Referenced Clones will now inherit also any broadcast or campaign associated to the master.

  • API Invited Team accounts will now be automatically set as approved instead of pending mail validation.


  • Empty Image Actions that have an empty source after dynamic parsing are now correctly removed from execution queue.

  • Changing the Telegram Channel API Key will not prevent execution of broadcast to contacts created before the change.

  • Templates Action Language is now correctly set as mandatory in the user interface.

  • Referenced Clones with no AI training will now correctly receive master changes when requested.

  • Bypass Input State flag enabled on global text detection will now correctly trigger global detection when blocking email input is active.

  • Multiple buttons triggered by the same persisting content on some channels will now correctly display the original button text.

6 May 2022



17 March 2022


  • On Demand broadcast payloads can now include direct file data payload, enabling attachments upload for distribution.

  • The SetMessageText function can now be used to change the current user message text during an reply execution.

  • The rcs_capabilities variable can now be used to check for a contact RCS capability and fallback to a different type of content or channel.


  • Discord buttons will now correctly display button text instead of raw id in the conversation section.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent free or lower tier accounts to correctly preview bot templates using more resources than those available.

  • General files uploaded on WhatsApp from WhatsApp web are now correctly detected as "documents".

  • Fixed a rendering issue that could create an error on a shared conversation when auto-open url was part of the history.

  • Cloud Script foreach loops are not triggering anymore a stack overflow.

14 February 2022



  • Removed an lock on Shared conversations messages that could prevent a user message from being delivered to the operator view during updates.

  • Fixed an execution issue on Cloud Scripting that could cause a script to timeout during execution.

  • Telegram Client will now correctly drop unnecessary empty messages generated by scripts or variable resolving.

  • Slack integration will now correctly override previous channel usage and avoid potentially duplicated messages.

9 January 2022


  • Distribution Lists can now be used to target custom, dynamic contacts with broadcasts or campaigns.

  • Twilio WhatsApp provider now supports direct Message Template action output.

  • Incoming chat requests to Custom Channel can now be also expressed as complex Parts items. This allows now for the creation of full pass-trough chatbots that are using only Xenioo as a channel provider.

  • Slack communication channel has been updated to support conversations API updates, removing completely deprecated methods.

  • On Demand Broadcasts and Campaigns can now be configured to accept only GET or POST verbs.

  • Broadcast distribution logs can now be quickly filtered by date.


  • Fixed a Facebook and Instagram issue that could push the bot to silent mode when no id was detected for the page or the Instagram profile.

  • Telegram persisting conversation buttons related to Buttons Array can now be correctly activated even after the flow has moved away.

  • Cards PostBack buttons will now correctly set both last command and last user message variables when clicked.

  • Multiple queued On Demand Broadcasts incoming from bots that have been originally cloned will be now correctly delayed and timed for the current bot and not on the cloned scheduling.

  • Fixed an issue with MessengerPeople WhatsApp provider that could cause a user media attachment to not be correctly downloaded from MessengerPeople API.

20 December 2021



19 November 2021



  • DialogFlow input being triggered by a global input should now correctly execute even when a command message is received.

  • Global Behaviour detection actions are now correctly triggered when set to bypass input state.

  • Dynamic content action will now correctly redirect the last_command variable when a previous command postback was executed.

  • Audience counters will now correctly include online/volatile conversations when calculating size.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Team Members with only broadcast access to correctly create or save any broadcast.

  • Fixed an issue that would stop a Team Member from accessing Custom Channel publish even when the active account plan included all permissions.

  • Google Business Message avatar configuration will not be correctly skipped when a blank avatar is selected.

17 October 2021



  • Conversations export are now consistently related to the original timespan selected in the export configuration.

  • Fixed an issue with ZOKO provider that could cause multiple messages to be directed to the very same target number.

  • Fixed an issue on the Web widget that could cause the attach button to disappear on some websites.

  • Forms that have their prompt suppressed will now correctly halt redirection when used inside Broadcasts.

  • Global Text Detection will not reset the current text message if child variable switches do not execute due to rule filter.

  • Fixed an url naming issue that could prevent Google Assistant actions to run under specific Xenioo nodes.

  • Fixed an issue with Intents Import that would cause some expressions to be skipped in the file.

  • Automatic backup on publish will now be correctly fired when external team member with no backup permission publish a bot.

18 September 2021



  • MayTapi WhatsApp provider is now correctly receiving chat ptt (push-to-talk) media events.

  • Incoming user recorded audio messages are now rendered as interactive media elements on the conversation section.

  • Fixed a Firebase return value issue that may include a double quote on the document unique id.

  • Take over window should now correctly display a single operator attachment button option.

2 September 2021


  • Conversation overview has been updated to allow contact detail with custom fields and custom notes.

  • WhatsApp Interactive Message support has been added for providers that already implement the new API.

  • On Premise Channel is now available as an additional publish channel.

  • Added a number and date format function to Cloud scripting libraries.

  • Audiences related to single users filtering by user_id are now evaluated directly.

  • Realtime broadcasts are now queued to an async realtime queue to stop long running chatbot operations from holding the on demand call.

  • Web Chats accessed by user currently under operator control will now present the last three messages even if history setting is not enabled. This will prevent chat areas to be presented as empty when the conversation is left open by the operator.

  • When Less Busy option is selected on a Set Operator Action and more than one operator have the same busy state, a random operator will be picked instead of the first of the list.

  • The View Contact Variables permission has been renamed to View Contact Details.

  • On Web Chat, the attachment icon is automatically enabled as soon as the conversation is taken over.

  • Conversations that are handed over from an operator that can view only group related contacts are now automatically removed from the conversation panel.

  • Like Operations, also actions can now be minimized to simple caption and icon to shrink the space used on the right panel by the associated settings.

  • Minimum detection confidence for DialogFlow inputs has been lowered from 50 to 30.

  • Hand Over command will now record a system message in the conversation if any shared conversation url is transformed to view only.


  • Operators that do not have access to bot statistics data can no longer view contact messages usage when clicking on the conversation avatar image.

  • Fixed a bug that could display a contact as selected in the contacts list while displaying an empty or wrong conversation.

  • The last conversation handed over in an operator view will now correctly be hidden on the every next refresh interval.

  • Custom conversation tab will no longer reload on every section click.

  • Fixed a bug that could display an empty conversation panel for a contact after all of the active messages are archived.

  • Fixed a continuous system message logging issue on Take Over URL that could lead to hundreds of log messages to be created on a conversation.

  • Fixed a bug that could stop a valid intent CSV file from being imported into another bot AI.

  • Fixed a validation error that could let a wrong audience filter pass trough an On Demand post payload.

  • Fixed a token caching bug that could cause a DialogFlow intent to fail when a duplicate user id was found on multiple chatbots.

10 August 2021


  • Broadcast can now be chained into ordered campaigns the offer greater control over subscripting based push events.

  • A Subscribe to Campaign action has been added to the Profile Actions list.

  • Xenioo Forms can now generated as an url to allow embedding in different actions and texts.

  • Web Widget hosted as landing url now supports behaviour redirection at start.

  • Added last_actor variable to the master list of Audience filters.

  • Return values for Clone and Reference Clone have been updated to reflect the correct wording.


  • Operators viewing shared url conversations are not able to interact with user button options anymore.

  • Fixed an issue where a Cloud Script execution from a broadcast would stop the flow if the current conversation was on TakeOver.

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent a model containing arrays to be correctly saved on Firebase.

25 July 2021



  • Fixed an issue that may stop a message queue for Kaleyra whenever a media upload issue would trigger.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent a Database Carousel Action to properly execute if preceded by a Cloud Scripting Action.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent an operator from a group to be automatically assigned to a conversation when Less Busy mode was selected.

  • Fixed a Call API header issue that could cut some headers containing symbols such as : or =.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent an opt-in WhatsApp message to be correctly parsed by a DialogFlow Input action.

  • Adding a term to a database related entity will now correctly return a warning message.

  • NLP Intents import with multiple keys and names will not correctly create multiple intents instead of adding all expressions to the last one.

  • Fixed a Firebase List command issue that could throw an error when a query would return no results.

  • Contacts imported from a standard CSV file will now be correctly picked as part of an audience for a broadcast.

  • Messages incoming from the operator on a shared conversation url will now correctly be mark the actor variable.

24 June 2021



  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Database dynamic form to be empty.

  • Fixed a team list issue that could display two times a support user in the online support users list.

  • Fixed a bug in the Broadcasts List and Activation API that would cause the results to be empty.

  • When API Action is changed from any verb to GET, payload is correctly removed.

  • Behaviour Schedule Operation will now be correctly ignored when re-entering an interaction due to user input.

  • Text Area Collection Fields are now shrinked when shown inside the Database View.

  • Fixed an issue with Xenioo Database Scripting interface that could dispose the connection object right after executing a load operation.

21 May 2021


  • The Database module is now available to everyone enabling a Database Package.

  • SMS Action has been added to the list of integration actions.

  • Facebook general file attachment has been updated back for all pages (EU included)

  • When published on Facebook, Audio Action will now send again the content of the audio and not a link to it, also for EU pages.

  • Standard typing delay for Facebook has been re-enabled. Typing indicator on the client side still won't be visible.

  • When using MayTapi, the contact_id variable will now be holding the phone number of the last interacting contact when the conversation happens in a group.

  • Intents import file format has been changed to include fully qualified column names.

  • Uploaded filenames will now use the original filename as a base when generating a unique storage name.

  • The Telephone and Location share buttons on Telegram can now have a customized text.

  • Operator Take Over messages can now contain dynamic variables referenced by the active conversation.


  • Fixed an issue affecting Facebook push that could prevent an operator to intervene in a chat using Custom Channel directly.

  • Entities composed by multiple words appearing in multiple parts of an utterance will now be correctly numbered starting from 1.

  • Media content added using AddReplyPart will now correctly ignore the command parameter.

  • Fixed a Trigger Broadcast issue that would fire only the very first broadcast of a given type even when multiple others were scheduled.

  • Multiline texts on Teams channel are now correctly rendere on the Desktop client.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause conversation variables to not reflect the active operator in the conversation

15 April 2021


  • SMS Channel has been added to the list of supported Xenioo channels.

  • Integration API are now fully documented and available to all active plans starting from Professional.

  • Online operators are now highlighted on the Assign Conversation to Operator dialog.

  • Added a new Web script function that can completely remove Xenioo widget from a page

  • Added a new Web script function that can display a custom callout bubble


2 April 2021



  • Fixed a bug that would stop an expression from having a new entity associated.

  • Re-Entering flows executing any kind of Email Message integration should not trigger two messages instead of one.

  • WaitForWidgetClick flag is now correctly ignored on the public preview url chatbot.

  • Firebase Database Action is now correctly displaying the related event trigger.

  • Firebase Database Action empty list result variable changed from 0/1 to false/true values as with all other flags.

  • Firebase integerValue is now translated to a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit value.

  • Number Input will now enforce min and max ranges that are inside the bounds of accepted numeric values.

  • DatePickers inside Xenioo Forms will now correctly enforce date ranges with dates set directly by keyboard input.

  • DialogFlow input will now correctly execute any following action after number of wrong inputs have been reached instead of redirecting to a fallback.

19 March 2021


  • Web Preview url will now display your chatbot name and avatar instead of the Xenioo icon if you are on any paid account subscription.

  • The operator_interacted variable can now be used to check if a taken over conversation has ever been interacted by the operator.

  • The invalid conversation share url is now fully displayed on the url page instead of being contained in the original conversation page.


  • Fixed an issue related to Intents import that would wrongly cut content with multiple commas when exported from excel source.

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent correct sharing of a conversation when using a WhatsApp channel.

  • Fixed an issue with the Include Interaction Action that would not execute the action when it was included into a broadcast flow.

  • Fixed a bug that would disable movement of some child operations under specific actions.

6 March 2021



  • Fixed an entity conversion bug that would force the final entity word to be always lowercase. Entities will now use the casing of the originally trained word.

  • Fixed a NLP parse issue that could give higher scores to entities on entity-only sentences.

  • Fixed an issue with Wassenger WhatsApp provider that would discard duplicated images on their storage

  • Date form field in Xenioo form should now correctly handle min-date paramter

  • Fixed a legacy app issue on the Slack channel that could prevent new bots to correctly come online.

  • Fixed a video streaming issue affecting Web chat when used from Safari/iOS.

9 February 2021


  • Added support for HSM templates that require named parameters instead of simple positional values.

  • Facebook attachments like video, files or audio that are used in a bot running under EU regulations are now automatically converted to simple links.

  • Custom Channel API can now access conversation history for any chatbot conversation.

  • Highly Structure Messages (WhatsApp Templates) can now be set to be text only, buttons or multimedia.


  • Sinch WhatsApp provider will now correctly opt-in with any new contact message.

  • Maytapi messages will now correctly detect the full user name.

  • Fixed an issue with Facebook user details that would prevent basic data from being retrieved for an EU bot.

  • Fixed an issue that could lead to a wrong numbering of multiple entities on the same expression.

22 January 2021



  • Slack protocol has been updated to the latest version and should now capable of publishing on recent channels.

10 January 2021


  • Discord is now supported as a new Xenioo channel.

  • ZOKO has been added to the list of WhatsApp Business supported providers.

  • Global Variables expiration time is now specified in minutes and not hours. This will allow for a more fine-grained expiration control.


  • Fixed a Form DateTime time-zone issue that could cause date selection to be set in a day to the one picked by the user.

  • Fixed a Form DateTime issue on IOS returning an empty value.

  • Form controls should now correctly populate variables selection when using Dynamic Parsing.

  • Shared Take Over conversation links should now correctly set the chat_state variable.

  • Moving an operation up and down in the operations queue will now always save all action data.

  • Old phone models should now correctly display the standard Web Channel widget callout bubble.

  • Audience Counters are now counting online conversations when updating preview size.

  • Conversation blocking input state is now cleared when altered by a broadcast.

  • Fixed an issue with Dynamic Parsing that would return (Length) for an array empty.

[Logs from 2018 to 2020 have been archived]

Last updated

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